Press Releases
2021 YEN Results
Charlottetown, March 23, 2022 – The 2021 crop marked the third season Atlantic Grains Council’s (AGC) Maritime Cereal Competition. On March 23 Island winners in the competition shared their winning strategies with fellow growers at an AGC On-Farm Agronomy meeting in Charlottetown. Pictured L-R are Dr. Aaron Mills, Competition Coordinator along with Ryan Hamill, Kyle Jewell, Randy Drenth and Colin MacNevin. The Competition which is part of the AGC’s Yield Enhancement Network allows participants to benchmark their production against other producers for overall yield and allows participants to measure how well they can in managing the factors of production including: variety, plant population, fertility, solar radiation, and available moisture to achieve the best percentage of estimated yield potential. How well did Island producers do? In the overall yield category, Kyle Jewell – Cornwall with a yield of 4.04 tonnes/acre and John Visser – Victoria placed 1st and 2nd for winter wheat, Colin MacNevin – DeSable with a yield of 2.49 tonnes/acre, Randy Drenth – Springfield and Ryan Hamill – Middleton placed 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, respectively. In barley, Kyle Jewell – Meadowbank placed 2nd with a yield of 2.29 tonnes/acre. In achieving the best percentage of potential yield John Visser placed 2nd achieving 65% of the yield potential in winter wheat. In spring wheat Colin MacNevin, Randy Drenth and Anthony Nabuurs achieved 48, 46 and 44% of their potential yield, respectively. In barley Kyle Jewell, achieved 44% of the estimated yield potential. Across the Maritimes 47 farmers entered 83 fields in the 2021 competition.
For information regarding participation in the 2022 Yield Enhancement Network please contact:
Heather Russell, Atlantic Grains
Council 506-380-9663 or
Aaron Mills, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 902-314-7949.
Results for the top three placing in each category are pasted below:
Heather Russell
Executive Director
C: 506– 380 –9663
Atlantic Grains Council (AGC) is a regional farm organization
representing grain and oilseed producers from across Atlantic Canada. We play a strong role in
research and producer advocacy across Atlantic Canada.