Integrate Cover Crops into Soybean Production
Improving Weed Management in Soybeans
Maritime Forage Trials (PEI)
Evaluation of Emerging forms of Fertility Applied as Plant Growth Promoters for Intensive Wheat Management
Using Cover Crops to Build Atlantic Maize Production (Grain Corn)
Assessment of Bio stimulants and various N sources on Corn N uptake efficiency Corn/ Wheat
Scale up of Kernza as a Perennial Grain and Forage Option for Maritime Canada
Improved Management Practices to reduce Oat Lodging and Maximize Yield
Rye Quality improvement for the distilling sector in Atlantic Canada
Using Cover Crops to Build Atlantic Maize Production (Silage Corn)
Assessment of Agronomic, Environmental, and Economic benefits of Enhanced Efficiency N Fertilizers in Grain Corn in the Martimes
Yield Enhancement Network (YEN – NS)
Maritime Soybean Varieties (NS)
Maritime Corn Varieties (NS)
Yield Enhancement Network (YEN -PEI)
Soybean Rolling
Soil Sampling
Chlorophyll Metering

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