Press Releases

Cry1Ab Resistant European Corn Borer Found in NS
European corn borer populations resistant to the Cry1F Bt protein were found in Nova Scotia in 2018. Since that time, Perennia, Department of Agriculture of NB as well as the Department of Agriculture of PEI, has been involved in monitoring adult populations to better understand the development and distribution of this pest in the region. Populations of ECB larvae have been collected from corn fields and sent to Dr. Jocelyn Smith’s lab at the University of Guelph, Ridgetown Campus, for resistance testing.
Please see the following document from the Canadian Corn Pest Coalition regarding further development of Bt resistance in ECB in the Truro area. The Canadian Corn Pest Coalition is a national body whose purpose is to monitor and protect the integrity of corn technologies, including Bt.
Plans are being made for increased monitoring and sampling in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island, with particular emphasis on the affected area. Additional information on scouting and resistance management measures are being developed by all parties including the CCPC and will follow at a later date.
European corn borer has numerous host crops, including hemp, hops, peppers, tomatoes, potatoes, etc. Plan to scout your susceptible crops for ECB damage and contact your agronomist if you have any concerns.